Tuesday, August 23, 2005

What do you really know?

I'm writing this post, so that I can sleep tonight without having these thoughts running through my mind. Being in Japan, around international friends, has made me realize that many people hate the United States. They hate the United States, because they believe that we (Americans) are self serving, greedy bastards. They hate the U.S.A. because they believe we kill innocent people in the pursuit of oil, and disguise it as justice. I know that many feel this way about America, and the truth is I don't really know what is happening beyond the headlines. Why anyone would believe anything that they cannot touch, see or feel with their own being? If you want to argue passionately about world politics, travel the world, investigate, find out the truth for yourself. Then make a stand. I am in no way trying to influence anyone in this post, to believe any particular view. Admit the truth, that unless you were there and saw with your own eyes, you really don't know. Bottom line on the USA, George Bush and the War on Terrorism; If you put a bomb in my house, kill my family and I live through it, I'm coming after you. Maybe the terrorists felt the same? Thoughtful comments welcome. EDIT: This post was referring to my experience with foreigners in Japan, not the Japanese people. I believe that most Japanese appreciate the United States, especially after we saved them from a North Korean missile!


Anonymous said...

Great Journal ! I truly admire your move to Japan! Another country! Man, I found it weird to move from one state to another after spending 30 years in my homestate. Congrats and I wish you the best. Plus, youre surrounded by all those beautiful Japanese women..rowrrr Im so jealous..Take care

Anonymous said...

exaaaaactly... and it's not just Japan either. I did not feel the Japanese people I knew felt so negative about Americans, but then again I was in the country-side and I was from Hawaii... and THAT goes a long way there... :)

Anonymous said...

when i was backpacking europe, I often met people that were americans but wearing canadian flag patches on there back packs because of the anti-american sentiment. I thankfully looked japanese or asianish so i was okay. the funny thing is i met some blokes from Chelsea who came to Nice to watch a match in Monaco. They asked me what are you? i said i am korean american...spiting out american insults at record pace... they responded no!... what are you american or korean. i promptly said korean to the drunken and belligerent group.... it was a a treat... we were all friends though after a few more beers ... haha.

My name is Sammie, I am a half-Japanese American. I moved to Japan to know my family and our history, learn the language and understand the culture. These are the records of my experiences living in Tokyo. Check the archives for posts from previous months, click any photo for a larger view.