Friday, August 05, 2005

Crowd Surfing

I went to Shibuya and Harajuku today. There were Billions (so it seemed) of teenage/young adults flooding the streets and shops. I thought living in Manhattan would have numbed me to being in the middle of so many people, but not so. There are a lot of kids that like to bleach their hair and get fake tans, they wear bright clothing and lots of colorful eye makeup. i.e. right behind me. Trends are very real and powerful among the youth in Tokyo. ipods have taken off, here is a link to a popular anime ipod commerical. CLICK HERE. Two Pomeranians in a storefront.
One of the most elegant Japanese Maple trees I've seen. I've seen many interesting bicycles here. Most are very plain with baskets on the front and lights that are powered by the movement of the wheel. They resemble bicycles from the 60's in the U.S. but they incorporate some pretty cool technology. Most have built in locks at the rear wheel, and people rarely lock their bikes to posts or fences. There is very little theft here, and perhaps manufacturing "grandma bikes" helps to keep people from being envious and taking others things. There are however, some very cool bikes of all types. Here's the latest model from Chevrolet. And the new Bose, which incorporates a motor. Maybe you can see that the Chevy Bike even has the "Heartbeat of America" logo, although I doubt either of these were manufactured by Bose or Chevy. These two photos were taken from the platform of the Otsuka station. This is the main area where I live, the house being about a five minute walk from the station. Although it may not look it, it is actually a more conservative "old school" area, than places like Shibuya and Harajuku.
I have four appointments/job interviews next week. I'm greatful, but dreading wearing a suit again in this weather...

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My name is Sammie, I am a half-Japanese American. I moved to Japan to know my family and our history, learn the language and understand the culture. These are the records of my experiences living in Tokyo. Check the archives for posts from previous months, click any photo for a larger view.