Monday, November 27, 2006

International Business Machine

I had a final interview this morning with IBM and was offered a position in the Asia Pacific Headquarters finance department. Since my schedule was open today they asked me to stay and begin training. I'm being trained by a close friend of mine, who introduced me to the position and who through another close friend, is going to be starting a new job in investment banking. We discussed over dinner how much things have changed for us in the past few months. We shared our concerns and at the same time expressed our confidences in each others abilities. There's a lot to learn and little room for error. Effort, discipline and ambition, will be the keys to our further success.

I'm excited about the opportunities for the future and at the same time, grateful for the past experiences I've had. I really enjoyed working in the schools and having the chance to learn about Japanese culture first hand. I will miss the smiles and energy of the kids I've been teaching and will always be thankful for the realization of the great responsibility we have for future generations.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

congratulations on your new job. hope you are well.

My name is Sammie, I am a half-Japanese American. I moved to Japan to know my family and our history, learn the language and understand the culture. These are the records of my experiences living in Tokyo. Check the archives for posts from previous months, click any photo for a larger view.