Thursday, March 02, 2006

Bowl of Soup

There's an awesome soup shop, called Soup Stock that I try to eat at as often as possible. Fortunately there is one near my work, so I can visit easily. At about 9 USD a bowl, it seems a bit expensive. I'm trying to sample all of the soups they have, this is probably my lamest post yet...

Oh, I learned how to make a Japanese smiley (^_^) and I've purchased some books for studying Japanese. I'm enlisting two of my students to swap English/Japanese conversation with me from time to time. What's funny is that one of my books for learning to write (hiragana) is the same book my elementary students (2nd grade) are using.

I have to make a goodbye speech at one of my schools next week, in Japanese. I'm going to have to have someone help me write it and then read it in front of the 800 students and staff! Please pray for me.


Anonymous said...

Good luck with your speech. I'm sure you'll do a great job. I have to do a presentation about seahorses at a sea talk. Wish me luck too.

qaminante said...

Not a lame post at all, except that it would be nice to see a photo of the place/menu/soups! I enjoyed sweetcorn soup in Japan (not common where I live), you can even get it in hot tins out of vending machines.
Good luck with the speech, rather you than me! Gambatte Kudasai.

Anonymous said...

sammie ni aitai

Anonymous said...

Good luck with the speech! Just go easy on the soup before you go on stage.

My name is Sammie, I am a half-Japanese American. I moved to Japan to know my family and our history, learn the language and understand the culture. These are the records of my experiences living in Tokyo. Check the archives for posts from previous months, click any photo for a larger view.