Thursday, January 05, 2006

Nagano Ski Trip

I just returned from a ski trip to the mountains of Nagano. I went with some fellow teachers from one of my elementary schools. The teachers were all Japanese and most spoke little English. My Japanese isn't very good so it was challenging communicating! We arrived to find tons of snow waiting and more falling. The parking lot of the hotel looked like it was full of snow monsters. You could barely see any cars under then snow! Please click the photos to view in full.

colleague from the elementary school. On our way up the mountain!

Many lifts staggered up the mountain. Check out the guy who fell in the background and you can see just how deep the snow is!

The scenery was deep and like something out of a dream.

6th grade teacher, about to make a steep run!

My favorite part of the runs was the deep untouched snow. If you fell you were in trouble, but as long as you kept moving it was like floating on clouds...
This is me freaking out before a black diamond run. Once I was on it, I had a blast. My biggest concern once I started down, was an avalanche crashing down. It was a very real possibility with the amount of snow present on the mountain.

Some trees were almost invisible under the snow.

Mental preparation for the next run...

Group photo, it was hard to take any at that altitude. It was extremely cold and the snow never stopped coming down.

About 3/4 up the mountain...
This is the road on our way out. There were entire houses obscured by the snow!

This was by far the best ski trip I have been on. But I realized that I need to make more time to study Japanese, I had trouble understanding a lot of the conversations and expressing my own ideas. Much of the activities we did besides skiing were traditional. We all ate together at specific times. We bathed together in the hot baths. (yes, naked) I love the mountains and these were the most mysterious and beautiful I have seen. Near the top of the mountain, you couldn't see more than 100ft. The Japanese mountains have such a natural and deep beauty that really feels like magic. Happy New Year, to all!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hey sammie! wow. your pictures are beautiful. i can say that only because i'm not there. it looks so cold! i still havent learned how to snowboard because i haaaaaate hate hate being cold. looks like you had a ton of fun. im so amazed that you can pick up and move to japan and then for you to go on this trip knowing that you'd be completely lost the entire time. i really wish i had your sense of adventure. as for me ive had a very easy winter break..a lot of working..just seasonal work at banana republic at ala moana and a lot of beach..friend time. i really gotta get on doin my resume and applying for jobs. im still tryina figure out where im gonna be after graduation. thinkin i gotta start preparing to move to new york. you got any tips about moving to that city on your own? i'm really scared. i dont know what i should do.

My name is Sammie, I am a half-Japanese American. I moved to Japan to know my family and our history, learn the language and understand the culture. These are the records of my experiences living in Tokyo. Check the archives for posts from previous months, click any photo for a larger view.