Sunday, November 06, 2005

Round 4

I've caught another cold, the 4th in 3 months. I'm used to being sick by now, so I know how to handle it. Drink lots of fluids, eat fruit and veggies, use the special iodine gargle, get plenty of sleep, ect. I'm guessing my immune system will adjust to the foreign environment and hopefully I won't have this problem in the near future. It seems like everyone catches frequent colds here, probably because of the number of people in such a small area. Tokyo has 12 million inhabitants, NYC has 8 million for comparison. I'm so paranoid of getting germs that I avoid touching anything in public places, if possible. I also wash my hands at least 10 times a day, more when I'm working in the elementary schools. The kids are adorable, but they like to touch, pull and grab my face or whatever else they can reach, leaving who knows what, on me. It's very rewarding working with children and I want to have my own someday. However, after this experience, I'm in no rush to be a parent.

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My name is Sammie, I am a half-Japanese American. I moved to Japan to know my family and our history, learn the language and understand the culture. These are the records of my experiences living in Tokyo. Check the archives for posts from previous months, click any photo for a larger view.