Sunday, July 31, 2005

Free Lunch (and dinner)

There is such a thing Dad, I had one today. It's confounding how difficult it can be to pay for your own meal sometimes. Today started off early, I woke up around 6am. I think because of the jetlag. I had a wonderful morning, cleaning up around the front of the house. I think it was the first time I've ever really enjoyed pulling weeds. I must be getting old... Tonight I saw my two roomates from Hawaii, it is so strange all the coincidences that have happened to me. Some signs are too obvious to ignore, ne? I spent about 4 hours (or so it seemed) trying to determine what cell phone would be compatible with my computer. My friends were extremely patient and offered their assistance unconditionally. After that we did some shopping (kaimono) for some things I needed. We ended the night with a yakiniku (Korean BBQ) dinner, so I stink right now. One photo is a better view out of my room, and the other is of my new best friend (AC). I'm going to give it a name eventually. It is without a doubt the coolest air conditioner I have ever seen. It can simulate several different natural enviornments, ionize the air, remove humidity and it looks kakoi (cool) too.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

they have those same style air conditioners in korea... they are sweet arent they !//// glad to see you are situating your self very well in japan...... dont for get to try the pork broth ramen!!!... peace.

My name is Sammie, I am a half-Japanese American. I moved to Japan to know my family and our history, learn the language and understand the culture. These are the records of my experiences living in Tokyo. Check the archives for posts from previous months, click any photo for a larger view.