Sunday, March 25, 2007


It was a mind opening experience, full of challenges, self-discovery and emotion. Click any thumbnail for the full image.

Thursday, March 01, 2007

the saddest moment

I had lunch with some close friends today. We talked about how busy our work is now, a little about relationships and about my upcoming trip to Egypt. I asked one of my friends to let me borrow some corporate finance material that he had told me about before and we agreed that I would stop by his office after work.

I left work as usual and headed over to his office. We decided to grab a quick bite before I would go home and he would go back to work. After dinner I walked to the subway station, one I don't usually use, but it was closer on this occasion.

I walked down the train platform looking for the right place to wait for the train. I stopped at an advertisment posted on opposite side of the tracks that caught my eye. It read "beautiful life", but ironically in a very dull and depressing design. I decided to walk about 50 feet, back the way I came, to stand in front of a brighter, artistic ad. I stood there and the thought crossed my mind how silly I was to walk back, the way I had come from.

I waited there, my eyes were tired from work so I let them get lost in the color. I'm usually alert and aware of what's happening around me, but on this ocassion I felt drawn into the piece of art before me. I felt a powerful connection and almost intoxicated by what I was seeing. The sound of the train approaching didn't interrupt me, and even the horn blasting and emergency brakes screeching didn't immediately break my focus.

I soon realized that the person operating the train, was desperately trying to stop it from moving. I turned my head left to look at the train and as it approched my position, I turned my head right to see what was ahead of it.
I have never felt this feeling before, so it's hard to describe.

Time stopped, just for moment. Down on the tracks, I saw an attractive, well dressed young woman. She was probably near my age, she was standing in front of the oncoming train. Her face was calm and fearless and she made no movement to escape. She was very near the dull sign "beautiful life", that I had a few minutes before, walked away from.

The train passed by me in an instant and she dissapeared.

My name is Sammie, I am a half-Japanese American. I moved to Japan to know my family and our history, learn the language and understand the culture. These are the records of my experiences living in Tokyo. Check the archives for posts from previous months, click any photo for a larger view.